WEB DESIGN - We never lose sight of the fact that your web site is effective only if it is visited by the audience that you directed it to be designed for, and only if it is easy for that audience to understand and use.
Few people visit the Internet without a purpose. Those who intend to access its wealth of information search and navigate with the help of signs, just as they would if traveling over real terrain. That is why we use the environmental design principle of "wayfinding." Wayfinding encompasses people's relationship to space, and the problem-solving processes they use to reach a destination.
We work with you to identify your target audiences, those audiences' needs, and the most cost-effective way to develop, present, maintain and update the information that your web site will provide to them.
Visitors can be directed to various areas of your site based on their previously-discerned needs. This enables a single web site to appeal to a range of audiences while its size is kept to a minimum.
For any good web site, the intended purpose drives the content and the content drives the design. WebHarmony LLC has proven expertise in translating a business' or organization's mission to the most effective computer-based design models available.
Once your web site is on line WebHarmony LLC's commitment to you has just begun. We'll register your site with all of the major search engines and perform quarterly reviews and re-registrations as necessary. All of our host agreements include monthly text updating and the option is available for up to 24-hour updating as needed.
Each site created by WebHarmony LLC is unique in appearance and design, but all meet the goals of the businesses and associations that they represent. The decision to create a 24-hour, 365-day per year presence on the Internet is an important one. Rest assured that WebHarmony LLC will meet all of your Internet needs.
WEB HOSTING - All of our clients are hosted with 1.5GBs (1,500MB) of space and 35GBs of monthly traffic. This is sufficient space and bandwidth to provide any organization with a topnotch web presence. For our domain name clients additional included host services are: automatically updated detailed site statistics, e-mail forwarding, and Perl and CGI scripting capability. For all clients optional host services include: e-mail (POP3 and IMAP), e-commerce shopping cart solutions, bulletin boards, chat rooms, redundant hosting, direct password-protected web browser updating, private FTP and SFTP, streaming audio and/or video, listservs, WebDAV and automatic list subscription.
Our servers are multihomed, and privately direct-connected (single hop) to the world's largest Internet backbones via multiple fiber optic lines. We offer our clients the best aspects of Unix, Linux and Macintosh servers and have portions of most client's web sites on each depending upon need. We provide a stable, redundant hosting environment built on state-of-the-art technologies. Your site will be accessed by visitors via fast (OC3), triply-redundant Internet connections. Web and e-mail files are served through a farm of load-balanced Linux machines that utilize Apache Web server software, so your site will load quickly and not be impacted by the performance of any one machine. We also utilize NetApp storage clusters which store each file in at least two locations to ensure reliability.
WEB SITE ADMINISTRATION - Our site administration responsibilities can be adapted to reflect your needs. To ensure your organization's continued independence administrative training (workshops, seminars and hands-on tutorials) are also available.
HTML scripting and validation
Telnet implementation to monitor BSD-UNIX, UNIX V, LINUX and Mac OS served sites
UNIX vi realtime text editing
SEO and monitoring
E-commerce monitoring
Site content monitoring
Site service administration (including CGI/MGI/Perl response)
Cross-platform development: Mac, UNIX
Membership and general public response and problem solving
INTERNET MARKETING - Our integrated Internet marketing strategies can be tailored to meet your organization's specific needs. An analysis of your current Internet "footprint" will be made, and a marketing plan will be developed to promote your organization's web presence both within the Internet and via more traditional marketing means.
SEO optimization
Promotion of your site within on-line networks
Appropriate registration of your site on all major national and international search engines
Traditional marketing placement with a focus on Internet resource development
Traditional marketing placement with a focus on your established target audience (to include press release materials, press conference strategies and materials, and other promotional materials)
Full implementation of our marketing strategies will further your organization's goals and mission within both the Internet community and the public at-large.
INTERNET NEEDS ASSESSMENT - A thorough Internet needs assessment of your organization will be made along with the development of a plan for how your mission can best be realized via your Web presence. Our needs assessment can be tailored to take place with your staff members, executive officers or board depending upon your organizational structure.
Development of strategic plans based on client input and client's service populations
Analysis of client's technical independence, anticipated future development, and desired enhancement and management of information resources
Information impact assessment (including a defined method for measuring levels of in-house and public access)
Process development for ongoing reviews of the integration of operating objectives with organization-wide technology plans
Once all analyses are complete, we will ensure that the designed technology plan can be successfully implemented and maintained with minimal staff resources.
The facilitation of staff, executive officer or board retreats and workshops regarding mission definition and integration, Internet technology reviews, and future visioning will be provided.
In addition, WebHarmony LLC has affiliated with Rickman Research & Communications to broaden the scope of available services. Rickman analyzes web audience needs and preferences, and user experiences at different stages of site design. Together, Rickman and WebHarmony provide research-based, expert website design and performance.
WEB SITE EVALUATION - For organizations with existing web sites our detailed site evaluation combined with a full quality analysis of your utilization of current Internet technologies provides the substantive assurance you need to be certain that your resources are well spent and provide you with the strongest return possible.
An effective web site is content-driven, sensibly arranged, full of up-to-date information and is integrated with your overall marketing effort. We will perform an in-depth analysis of your mission, goals, operation, and information managment structure. With that assessment complete, we'll guide you with various options for content development, we'll outline and storyboard your site, and map it in an easy-to-understand fashion.
Complete HTML analysis
Graphic assessment
Assessment of internal link structures
Assessment of external link structures
Content proofreading
Navigational ease assessment
We will present you with a concise, easy-to-understand assessment of our findings. In each applicable area, suggestions will be made to better use your resources and to integrate new functionality into your site. If requested, we will also make any agreed upon modifications that you desire and continue to monitor your site for future technical changes.
In addition, WebHarmony LLC has affiliated with Rickman Research & Communications to broaden the scope of available services. Rickman analyzes and evaluates web audience needs and preferences via a variety of methods including focus groups, in-depth interviews, surveys, and user experience testing.